Pickerington Area Soccer Association

Respect the ref - OSA

Respect the ref - OSA
Respect the ref - OSA

Referee Information

Referee information

Referee information

For renewing or becoming licensed so that you can referee PASA games, please see www.OSSRC.com

All PASA referees are licensed and certified before being allowed to referee any games and must re-certify on an annual basis.  Current badges are to be worn while officiating games


Spring 2025 Referee Informational meeting

Will be held on Sat. March 22nd @ 11am.  We are meeting at Real Church located at 5780 Reynoldsburg Baltimore Rd.  (St. Rt. 256)

We will review US youth soccer rule changes and how they will apply, how to train, how to get games, how to get paid, and much more.  PLEASE plan to attend if you wish to get games this season




You must fill out and submit the following 3 items to be placed on the schedules.

1.  Forward your most recent certification to the director - soccer@pasasoccer.org

2. Fill out the Emergency/Information sheet and send to the director - soccer@pasasoccer.org

3.  Fill out and send a W9 to the director - soccer@pasasoccer.org

You must have a current certification and have all forms on file to get games.



Emergency contact form:

All PASA referees.  Please make sure we have all current information on file.  See the attachment - Click here - and email a copy to soccer@pasasoccer.org

W-9 form for Referees

W-9 form for Referees

Click Here



Spring 2025 schedule

Click here