Pickerington Area Soccer Association

High School

High School


This division is Co-Ed as per HSSA
01/01/2006 – 07/31/10 – High School

The Spring & Fall Registration fees are $126 for our High School age divisions.

Jerseys are included in this fee for our players.

*********Numbered jerseys are provided however teams stay together from fall to spring and numbers must remain consistent.  Given the costs of these jerseys, THERE ARE NO RE-ORDERS.  Please be mindful of the size of your player*********

Spring 2025 registration has closed.


HSSA will announce the schedule and games will begin in April 2025.  There are typically 7 games played on Sundays.  Times will be announced by the owning facility of each game

********Jr. High and High School game schedules will be made by MSSA/HSSA and then be sent to the coaches and rec director.   Times are set by facility directors.  Some games might be on weeknights*******

Please visit https://www.dublinsoccer.net/MSSA-HSSA/ for more information

Practices:  This age group will hold one practice a week.  (There may be two a week practices held; pre-season)

HSSA is a recreational program comprised of teams from throughout central Ohio.  PASA registers the players through HSSA.  HSSA is NOT a "league", per se. The Association does not register individual players. Players register with PASA and then PASA registers teams in the Association.  Communities that participate range geographically from London to Newark and Delaware to Circleville. The preponderance of teams are from Columbus, Dublin, Gahanna, New Albany, Newark, Pickerington, Westerville, Worthington, Teays Valley and beyond.

Team Size:  Each team will have no more than 19 players. Players who have reached their 19th birthday prior to August 1st of the current soccer year are NOT eligible to play in the Association. Teams may be comprised of players in the 9th through 12th grades. Players are NOT allowed to play on a select (or club) team, nor a high school sponsored team, AND an HSSA team during the same season.

Players that play on their high school sponsored teams in the fall can play in HSSA during the Spring Season ONLY, provided they do not play on a select (or club) team at the same time. OHSAA restrictions allow only six (6) players from any one high school sponsored PROGRAM to play on any one team during the spring outdoor season. This six player restriction applies to all players, from all of the teams in the high school program; including freshman team, reserve team and varsity team. Girls programs and boys programs are counted separately. HSSA is NOT responsible for assuring that individual teams adhere to the OHSAA rules. That is the responsibility of the participating Leagues, their coaches and their players.

Number of Players and Playing Time:  HSSA / High School plays 11v11 games on full size fields.  It is the goal of PASA to get every player at least 50% playing time however it is not a HSSA rule

 Co-ED: This division is co-ed.  It is a HSSA rule that there be a minimum of 3 female players on the field at all times.  If a team is short female players, they must play down a player for every female that is not on the field.  If there are are only 2 females, then there can still only be 8 males and 10 total on the field.  1 female with a max of 8 males would be 9 players on the field.

Game period:  2 – 35 minute halves.  Half time is 5 minutes.

Ball size:  Size 5

Fall and Spring Seasons:  The Fall Season begins the week after Labor Day and generally consists of an 8-10 game schedule. Typically, 12-15 teams participate in the fall season. The Spring Season usually begins the first Sunday in April and generally consists of a 8-10 game schedule due to Easter, Spring Breaks, etc.; . There are typical 20-25 teams that participate in the spring season.

Purpose:  The purpose of the High School Soccer Association is to provide high school aged players the opportunity to continue to play the game - on a recreational level

Association Rules:  Participants are encouraged to become familiar with the Association's Rules. It is also suggested that they carry them to games in the event questions arise during the course of a match. A set of Rules is distributed to all participants prior to the start of each season. The rules were originally established, and are amended from time to time, at the Association's Organizational Meetings. The Association Administrator, HSSA, does not establish, nor amend the rules, but is responsible for their enforcement. Participants are advised of any changes when the rules are distributed. 

You may request a refund if your child is injured or decides s/he doesn't want to play. ALL refund requests will include a $20 processing fee ($25 if more than one child in the same family is requesting a refund), we will deduct this fee from your refund.  In order to receive a refund, your child cannot have participated in any games. If the request is necessary due to an injury, after the child has already participated in one or more games, we will review the request and let you know if you will receive a partial refund. Refunds can take several weeks to process and will be returned to the form of payment used when your player was registered.  Bank service fees WILL NOT be refunded.   The last day to request a refund is April 4th 2025..