Pickerington Area Soccer Association

Coaches Code of Conduct

Coaches Code of Conduct


PASA is devoted to providing an opportunity for the area youth to play soccer in a fun, organized and supervised atmosphere.  It is our expectation that all coaches, players, parents, and spectators (each a “Participant”) will uphold that ideal with their conduct during all PASA functions.

General Conduct

A Participant shall not display any behavior which will discredit him/herself or brings dishonor to PASA soccer.  Such actions shall include, but are not limited to, unruly behavior, exhibiting disrespect to players, referees, the PASA Recreational Director, PASA Board Members, or other coaches, players, or spectators; disregarding rules and regulations of PASA or the league in which the Participant’s team plays; and displaying behavior which is offensive to the community (use of profanity, discriminatory, derogatory, or harassing language; spitting; fighting; smoking; vaping; etc.)

The above guidelines shall be observed at all PASA sponsored events and at any time a Participant is at PASA’s facilities.  Such events include, but are not limited to, practices, games, meetings, and other social events of PASA.

Any Participant who fails to maintain and adhere to these rules is subject to disciplinary action by the PASA Board. After an investigation, the Board may impose any of the following discipline:

1. Official Warning

2. Game(s) Suspension

3. League Expulsion

A Participant may appeal any action discipline imposed by the PASA Board to the PASA Board at the following monthly meeting of the PASA Board.

In the event of a suspension or expulsion, a Participant shall not enter upon PASA’s facilities or attend practices for a PASA sponsored team while the discipline is in effect, regardless if attendance is in connection with a team other than the team the Participant was playing for, coaching, or spectating at the time that events occurred resulting in the suspension or expulsion, such as that of a sibling or different child.

Game Conduct

All Rules for game day, both regular season and during any tournament, are to be followed.  These rules include the General Conduct set forth above.  Additionally, all players on the team who are able to participate and play in a game, must play one-half of the game.  If this rule is not followed by coaches, the game will be a forfeiture.

During any game scheduled by PASA, the referees monitoring the event have the authority to control the actions of all Participants.  The referees may impose warnings (yellow card) or eject (red card) any Participant for their actions deemed to be detrimental to maintaining order in the game.  In doing so, all referees will govern by the rules of OSYSA and PASA.  Any combative behavior to a referee by a Participant as a result of a warning or ejection may result in additional discipline being imposed by the PASA Board.

If two warnings are given to any Participant, it will result in an automatic ejection of that Participant. 

Any ejection from a game will result in an automatic suspension for the next game for the team that was participating when the ejection took place and all PASA activities, such as practices, until the following day after that next game has concluded.  By way of example, if an ejection took place at a 9:00 AM game on a Saturday and the next game for the team that was participating when the ejection took place is the next day, the participant will be suspended through the entirety of the next day as the suspension will run from Saturday at the time of ejection and the entirety of the next day.  If, however, an ejection took place at a 9:00 AM game on a Saturday and the next game for the team that was participating when the ejection took place is the following Saturday, the participant will be suspended until the following Sunday as the suspension will run from Saturday at the time of ejection through the entirety of the next Saturday. 

Any ejection will result in the automatic review of events by the PASA Board and may result in penalties in addition to the suspension set forth above.

A referee is not required to issue warnings to a Participant before issuing an ejection.  If the events are serious enough in judgment of the game’s referees, PASA’s Recreational Director or PASA Board Members, immediate ejection can take place without any warnings being issued.    Again, any combative behavior by a Participant as a result of an ejection may result in additional penalties being imposed upon the Participant by the PASA Board.